Profile Id 6387

ayodele Martin d...

Qualification professionnelle Qualification

Data scientists


Expert data



Années d’expérience

Taux horaire

EUR 50

Montant par jour

EUR 400

Montant par semaine

EUR 2 000

Montant par mois

EUR 8 000


Develop and maintain using Python scientific packages such as Numpy, Pandas, Keras, Tensorflow, PyMC3  Refactor current predictive models, and extract commonly used functions into a reusable set of packages and libraries  Manage the codebase using Github  Manage the environment using Anaconda  Help enforce software best practices, and work with others to deploy new models to our production servers  Work with the business to apply scientific methods and to evolve data science solutions  Analyze on system or data processes, data structures, analytical methods, and applying key techniques of data sciences (machine learning, data mining, analysis) to build high quality predictive systems  Visualization of complex data and analytical result using modern data visualization tool

Qualités personnelles - Soft skills


Plein temps

Curriculum Vitae (CV)


français -  langue native / maternelle
anglais -  professionnel

Mon parcours
